Red zebra cichlid akbinos
Red zebra cichlid akbinos

But I also did not really have much context for judging whether the other stocking examples in other locations were being conservative.Īs for my ultimate selections, which ended up with the mbuna (going even further afield), my LFS emphatically stated that I shouldn't have any problems. It did seem strange to me that the cichlidrecipe site was proposing more risky combinations than most other places. I was trying to do my research and integrate everything I read. My original stocking plan came from the cichlidrecipe website, 55g example, which actually did have quite a few species suggested all together, including the mixing of Julies and Malawi species. The other two Zebras (the known male and known female) have never been observed doing any digging. But this intermediate sized gender-questionable Zebra never does the shake. He keeps following her around, then getting in front of her and doing the shake. the male Zebra (that we *know* is male for sure, background in above photo) has been doing lots of the tail shake in front of the known female Zebra. So my question is this: Is that behavior typical of males? Females? Both? He (She/It) has been sucking up gravel into its mouth and then spitting it out a short distance away, such that now there's a nice little burrow under the rock, right up against the side of the tank.įor reference, here's the picture again, of the fish that's digging (with the "known" male behind). This fish has been spending a lot of time creating a cave/nest at the side of the tank behind a rock. But we had doubts about one of the females, and after posting a photo, people on here seemed to think my suspect was actually a 2nd male.

red zebra cichlid akbinos

I'd originally thought I had 1 male and 2 females (LFS said they were).

red zebra cichlid akbinos

Last week I posted some photos of a few Zebras that I've got in my 55g.

Red zebra cichlid akbinos